Vinaigrette Dressing (a classic version with Gordon Ramsay)

While there are many different kinds of vinaigrette dressings, Chef Ramsay shares his classic recipe here. For the salad, he uses arugula (a.k.a. rocket), which has long, spiked, dark green leaves and a peppery flavor. This is part of his “Cook along Live” video series. If nothing else, he is very entertaining with those knives!

Note: the salad part of the video is very short (under 2 minutes). He continues a minute or so about preparing steak. Stop the video then if you have no interest in preparing beef. I’m not sure what his video editor was thinking on this one:)!

Dressing Ingredients:
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
Freshly ground black pepper
Chunk Parmesan cheese

Salad greens: Use arugula (a.k.a. rocket)

Preparation steps:
Combine the oil, vinegar, salt and fresh pepper in a bowl
Using a whisk, mix the ingredients in the bowl for 30 seconds
Place the arugula (rocket) in the bowl with the dressing.
Grate the Parmesan over the salad greens
Mix the salad with your hands until the greens are well coated


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