Protein Boost Fruit Smoothie

Ensuring we run the blender just the right amount of time is the secret to making the consistency of a fruit smoothie just right. Adding some protein powder is recommended for a real boost.

The chef shows how we can be creative by varying the fruits used, adding some freshly-squeezed lemon or lime juice, and using honey for sweetening if needed. Enjoy!

For those who may be new to making this delicious drink, here are the  instructions:

Step 1: Choose fruit and juice
Choose your fruit and fruit juice.

Step 2: Peel, pit, or de-seed fruit
Peel, pit, or de-seed your fruit if necessary.

Step 3: Put in fruit, add juice
Put the fruit in the blender, and add the juice.

Tip:  For a sweet smoothie, add 1 or 2 tablespoons of honey. For a cold one, add 6 to 8 ice cubes. And for an extra health kick, throw in protein powder, wheat germ, bee pollen, or flaxseed.

Step 4: Add milk, cream, or yogurt
Add the milk, light cream, or yogurt to give the smoothie a rich and silky texture.

Step 5: Blend
Put the lid on the blender, and blend at a medium speed until smooth.

Step 6: Taste
Stop the blender and do a taste test, then make any necessary adjustments, adding yogurt or ice to thicken, honey to sweeten.

Step 7: Pour and serve
Pour your smoothie into the glass, and serve.

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